Work by the following is contained in BOLTS:
Johannes Reinhardt |
Bernd Hahnebach |
Damian Axford |
Javier Martínez García |
Fabrizio Pollastri |
These people have helped in other ways or provided inspiration:
nophead | provided inspiration for BOLTS with his Mendel90 and his work sparked my fascination for 3D printers. |
MCAD | served as another source of inspiration. |
Yorik van Havre | answered many questions about FreeCAD. |
Marius Kintel | had some good ideas for BOLTS for OpenSCAD and created OpenSCAD. |
shoogen | helped with some difficult questions about the inner workings of FreeCAD. |
Keith Sloan | helped with making BOLTS for FreeCAD work with python 2.6. |
arcol | found the fix for a tricky bug and provided a lot of feedback. |
Dale Dunn | helped with the development of the SolidWorks flavour of BOLTS. |
Stefan Bühler | for his help with hosting and his general expertise. |
Bernd Hahnebach | for his persistence, patience and for the maintenance and improvement of the FreeCAD integration. |