Documentation for BOLTS 0.3 (current stable version)

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How to setup a base function

You need to have FreeCAD and FreeCAD for BOLTS installed.

This assumes that the blt file for this part is already created, and you have a python function that creates the part that you want to add to BOLTS. For more information on part scripting in FreeCAD see the FreeCAD documentation on this topic.

The function

As an example we use the following function to create washers:

import Part

def washer1(params,document):
    key = params['key']
    d1 = params['d1']
    d2 = params['d2']
    s = params['s']
    name = params['name']

    part = document.addObject("Part::Feature",name)
    outer = Part.makeCylinder(d2,s)
    inner = Part.makeCylinder(d1,s)
    part.Shape = outer.cut(inner).removeSplitter()

This function uses the CSG facilities of FreeCAD, but it is equally possible to use BRep scripting.

It is necessary to write the function such that it is a function of two parameters, a dict of parameter names and values, and a FreeCAD document. The keys of this dict will be the names of the parameters of the part, as described in the blt file. There is an additional parameter name that holds the name of the part.

In the first part of the function, we are assigning local variables with the parameter values as a shortcut. In the second part of the function, we add a new object to the document, create the geometry and assign it to the part. removeSplitter cleans up artifacts resulting from CSG operation under certain circumstances.

Put it to the right place

This function should reside in a file (in this case called with extension .py in a subdirectory of the freecad directory which is named after the collection to which the part belongs (in this case washer). This directory must contain a empty file called and the base file for this collection (in this case washer.base).

Write the base file

The base file provides BOLTS with all the information it needs to know about the files in a collection directory, it is a kind of manifest file. It contains a list of sections (more precisely base file elements) , each describing one file:

- filename:
  author: Johannes Reinhardt <>
  license: LGPL 2.1+ <>
  type: function
    - name: washer1
      classids: [plainwasher1, plainwasher2, plainwasherforcheesehead, heavydutyplainwasher]

The hyphens and dots on the first and the last line indicate the begin and end of the metadata (a base file is a YAML file. Between those two markers follows a list of base file elements, one for each file. The begin of a new element is indicated by a hyphen. If there are more than one file in the collection directory, there would be more elements, but here it is only one.

The base file element gives information about the file like the filename, the author and the license under which it is published.

The line type: function indicates that it contains python functions for FreeCAD. As a file can contain more than one function, a list of elements follows, that describe the individual functions. In our case there is only one, called washer1.

There is the possibility to add an optional source field which allows to give information about the origin of the file. If there is a URL from which this file was downloaded, this can be included here.

The classids field contains a list of classids to which this function applies. BOLTS contains four different classes that describe washers, so in this case this list is rather long, but in other cases it might only contain a single entry. Be careful, that the parameter names for all classes in this list must be the same, otherwise the parameter dict contains unexpected entries or names can not be found.

When working on base files, pay attention to whitespace and indentation and do not use tabs.


You should now test the newly added part. This is most easily done on the command line by typing

./ export freecad
./ test freecad

in the repo directory. This will fire up a FreeCAD instance with the module search path set appropriately, so that typing

import BOLTS

on the FreeCAD python console should do the trick.

If BOLTS is started successfully, try adding the newly added part to the current document with different combinations of parameters.

If nothing happens when you try to add the file, there is probably an error occurring during the execution of the function. Such errors are suppressed by the gui system, so that no error messages are displayed. You can circumvent this by activating the Add part button manually. To do this type


in the FreeCAD python console. This should display exceptions if they occur and also the output from print statements.

When fixing a bug, you have to close FreeCAD, and repeat this step from the beginning. This is a rather tedious development cycle, so taking care when writing the function pays off in this case.

Next steps

You might want to contribute this part to BOLTS, so that every user can profit from your efforts.
